
Installing the application.

This page will guide you on how to install the dependencies for the application.

Download the application source code

The first step is to get a copy of the source code to the machine you want to deploy to. At this moment, the only way to obtain it is via a git clone or download from the repository. In the future we might add a way to install it via composer directly.

git clone installation-directory
cd installation-directory

Application dependencies

We use the Composer package manager to manage our back-end (PHP) dependencies, while Yarn is used for the front-end dependencies.

Back-end dependencies

Install the dependencies for production as follows.

composer install --no-dev

If you’re setting up a development environment, you should not pass the --no-dev option.

Front-end dependencies

Install the dependencies and build the front-end assets as follows.

yarn install
yarn prod

If you’re setting up a development environment, you can use yarn dev instead of yarn prod. You can also use the watch option to automatically rebuild front-end assets upon changes with yarn watch.

Last modified November 30, 2022: First iteration of documentation (0fb6d28)