
Setting up the cronjobs for the application.

Cronjobs are a way to automatically execute scheduled commands. They are used in the application to run jobs from the queue such as sending notification emails, and also to send reminders.

A note on the queue

If you plan on listening to the queue using Laravel’s built-in tools instead of using a scheduled job, you can use the following command instead of setting up a cronjob for the queue. A cronjob to send reminders is still necessary.

php artisan queue:listen

Cronjob configuration

The following two jobs should be run:

  • php artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty --tries=5
  • php artisan crepes:send-reminders

An example crontab configuration could look like:

0 10 * * * cd installation_directory && php artisan subreminders:send >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/20 * * * * cd installation_directory && php artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty --tries=5 >> /dev/null 2>&1

Make sure to replace installation_directory with your installation directory!

Last modified November 30, 2022: First iteration of documentation (0fb6d28)