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Getting Started

What does your user need to know to try your project?

Crepes is a self-hosted website that allows you to offer events to users in which they can register themselves. Think of it like a content-management system, but for events. It was originally designed to organise in-real-life courses, but has since been transitioning to a more general purpose event management system. It is still early days for the project, but it is stable enough that it can be used in production.

This chapter guides you through the installation and configuration process.
Get started by following the links below!

Home page with overview

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1 - System Requirements

System requirements for the installation.

The requirements are fairly standard for a web server running PHP, also on shared hosting.

Composer>= 2.2Composer is the back-end package manager
HTTP serverExamples: nginx, Apache
PHP>= 8.1
PHP extensions
  • BCMath
  • GD
  • JSON
  • Mbstring
  • OpenSSL
  • PDO
  • XML
SQL databaseExamples: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Yarn>= 1.20Yarn is the front-end package manager. This is strictly not necessary to install on the server as you can build the front-end assets locally as well.

2 - A Note on Shared Hosting

What you should beware of when using shared hosting.

The document root of the application is the public folder. Do not place the whole application in the document root, or otherwise your risk creating security issues! It is especially dangerous if the environment file .env is readable by the outside world because it contains application secrets.

The safe way to set up a Laravel application (like this application is) on shared hosting is by placing the whole application directory outside of the document root in a dedicated folder. For example you can name that folders crepes. The files in the public folder should be the ones placed in the document root.

You then need to make a few modifications to public/index.php in order to accomodate for the changed application directory structure. In particular lines 10 and 11 need changes. The code initially looks like this:

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';

If your document root is at /public_html, and the application code is at /crepes, you should change the code to:

require __DIR__.'/../crepes/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../crepes/bootstrap/app.php';

3 - Installation

Installing the application.

This page will guide you on how to install the dependencies for the application.

Download the application source code

The first step is to get a copy of the source code to the machine you want to deploy to. At this moment, the only way to obtain it is via a git clone or download from the repository. In the future we might add a way to install it via composer directly.

git clone installation-directory
cd installation-directory

Application dependencies

We use the Composer package manager to manage our back-end (PHP) dependencies, while Yarn is used for the front-end dependencies.

Back-end dependencies

Install the dependencies for production as follows.

composer install --no-dev

If you’re setting up a development environment, you should not pass the --no-dev option.

Front-end dependencies

Install the dependencies and build the front-end assets as follows.

yarn install
yarn prod

If you’re setting up a development environment, you can use yarn dev instead of yarn prod. You can also use the watch option to automatically rebuild front-end assets upon changes with yarn watch.

4 - Configuration

Configuring the application.

This page will guide you on how to configure the application.

Creating an environment file (.env)

The configuration settings are stored within the .env file. To create one you should copy the example file .env.example to .env.

Make sure that the .env file is never accessible by the outside world: it contains application secrets such as your database password!

Editing the environment file

You should modify the .env file to configure the application. This includes settings for the database, reCAPTCHA settings, and email settings. In particular, the following keys should be at least set-up:

  • APP_URL should point to the public URL where your application is hosted, without trailing slash
  • MAIL_*
  • DB_*
  • NOCAPTCHA_*, for reCAPTCHA To get reCAPTCHA keys, please use the reCAPTCHA admin console and select reCAPTCHA v2.

You can furthermore also specify your desired time zone, locale, etc.

If you wish to modify the URLs from the default course to event (or something else entirely), you can modify the following entries:


Generating the application key

Finally, you should generate an application key. The application key is used to perform encryption and decryption routines within the application. It is also stored in the .env file. You should only generate this once, and never change it again later unless the key gets leaked. If you regenerate the key, all sessions and signed URLs will become invalid.

php artisan key:generate

Setting up the database

The database schema is handled via migrations. These are scripts that build or upgrade your database schema incrementally in a way that can also be rolled back. If you’re interested you can read more about them in the Laravel documentation.

If your database settings are correct, you should run the following command to set-up the database. Make sure your database actually exists as this will not be created by the script!

php artisan migrate

Every time you upgrade the application you should re-run the above command to make sure your database schema is always the latest version.


To improve the performance of the application, the configuration, routes, views and icons should be cached. You can easily to this by executing the optimize command, which internally performs the following caching commands:

php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
php artisan icons:cache
php artisan view:cache

Creating an administrator user

There are no initial users provided by the application. You should therefore create an initial administrator user. You can do so by executing the following command and following the instructions on your screen.

php artisan crepes:create-user

Next steps

Your application should now be set up and you should be able to visit the public URL and see it in action! The next step is to set-up the cronjobs and use your administrator account to create some content.

5 - Cronjobs

Setting up the cronjobs for the application.

Cronjobs are a way to automatically execute scheduled commands. They are used in the application to run jobs from the queue such as sending notification emails, and also to send reminders.

A note on the queue

If you plan on listening to the queue using Laravel’s built-in tools instead of using a scheduled job, you can use the following command instead of setting up a cronjob for the queue. A cronjob to send reminders is still necessary.

php artisan queue:listen

Cronjob configuration

The following two jobs should be run:

  • php artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty --tries=5
  • php artisan crepes:send-reminders

An example crontab configuration could look like:

0 10 * * * cd installation_directory && php artisan subreminders:send >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/20 * * * * cd installation_directory && php artisan queue:work --stop-when-empty --tries=5 >> /dev/null 2>&1

Make sure to replace installation_directory with your installation directory!